Gains in Reading, Attendance

Reading and attendance were up in seminary last year, according to this Deseret News story:

  • Nearly 80 percent of students in the United States and other countries on a North American school calendar finished the entire Doctrine and Covenants, a 33 percent increase over the previous year’s completion rate.
  • 81 percent of students on the North American calendar passed the end-of-semester assessments.
  • 77 percent of students met the attendance standard, up from 71 percent in the prior year.
  • Overall, 71 percent earned course credit.

The church had nearly 220,000 students in North America and Canada last year. Worldwide, 399,682 students participated in seminary courses.

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Reading Chart

Students may choose to read the entire Old Testament this year, but it is not required. This is the only seminary course for which reading the entire text is not required.

Old Testament Reading Chart (most chapters)
Old Testament Reading Chart (all chapters)

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Early to Bed, Early to Rise

Want more energy and inspiration? Follow the Lord’s advice:

“Cease to sleep longer than is needful; retire to thy bed early, that ye may not be weary; arise early, that your bodies and your minds may be invigorated.” (D&C 88:124)

It might also help your GPA!

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First Day: Wednesday, August 19

Parry McCluer and Rockbridge County High Schools both start on August 19, 2015, so we will, too. See you at 6:40 a.m. sharp! (Arriving five minutes early is encouraged.)

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Invite a Friend to Seminary

Which friend should you invite?

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Time to Register!

Parents of seminary-age students are encouraged to register them for seminary by logging in at

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